Hello there! My name is Justin Christensen. I am a second year Master's student at the Center for Bits and Atoms. I am from Ogden, UT, and love living in Cambridge close to MIT with my wife and daughter.
Email: justin [dot] christensen [at] cba [dot] mit [dot] edu
Before coming to MIT, I studied electrical engineering, focusing on optical engineering, 3D display technology, and holography at Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, UT.
I am currently working on integrating distributed displays into a system of mechanically and electrically reconfigurable computing nodes. These displays will allow real-time visualization of the data being processed in a given node at the local level, allowing for better understanding of the interaction of the nodes in the overall system.
To see some of the projects I've been working on in various MIT classes, please see the following MIT Class Sites: How to Make (almost) Anything, The Nature of Mathematical Modeling
If you would like to see some of my past projects, check out my personal portfolio website.